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  • Dr. med. Pius Heer

    Dr. med. Pius Heer

    Consultant for general internal medicine and gastroenterology

Medical employment to date

01.2022 Sale of practice to Dr. med. Bianca Erhart

11.1997 Opening of specialist practice for gastroenterology in Olten and general practitioner in Olten Cantonal Hospital

1997 Gastroenterology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (Germany), Prof. H. Bosseckert

1996 - 1997 Gastroenterology department, University Hospital Zurich, Prof. M. Fried

1993 - 1996 Gastroenterology department, Medical clinic, Triemli Hospital Zurich, Prof. H. R. Koelz

1991 - 1993 Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, Prof. F. Follath, Prof. H. E. Blum, Prof. W. Vetter

1990 - 1991 Medical clinic, Triemli Hospital, Zurich, Prof. U. P. Haemmerli

1989 - 1990 Medical department, district hospital, Affoltern a/A, Dr. Ch. Hess

1988 - 1989 Paediatric Clinic, Triemli Hospital, Zurich, Prof. S. Rampini

1986 - 1988 Anaesthesia, Triemli Hospital, Zurich, Dr. P. Frey

Education and training

1996 Gastroenterology consultant

1993 Internal Medicine consultant

1989 Dissertation Medical Faculty, University of Zurich

1985 State exam, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich


Swiss Society of Gastroenterology SGG SSG

Swiss Society of Ultrasound in Medicine SGUM


Swiss Medical Association FMH

Magen Darm Liga

Haus- und Kinderärzte Schweiz mfe (Association of Swiss general practitioners and paediatricians)

062 287 80 60